Startseite - ZDFmediathek

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German comedian Jan Böhmermann and ZDF just published a document uncovering meetings between European boarder agency FRONTEX and leading defence industry companies like Heckler und Koch. You can download the files here:

submitted by SeriousBaconMan to europe [link] [comments]

[ZDF] Antonio Rudiger isn't happy with his lack of playing time at Chelsea: "I can't be satisfied with my situation, but the fight has been accepted. What will happen in January is a long way off. I'm completely relaxed."

submitted by MoneyMasonMount to soccer [link] [comments]

[Tirade] Die ZDF Info Doku "Das gespaltene Amerika - Obama: Yes, we can!" zeigt wie eine Minderheit den öffentllichen Dialog diktiert

Auf ZDF Info liefen vor kurzem zwei Dokus. Die oben genannte und danach "Das gespaltene Amerika - Trump: America first!". Hab mir beide aufgenommen und schaue gerade die erste der beiden Dokus. Sozusagen um den Clusterfuck, der danach kommt, einigermaßen verdauen zu können zuerst ein bisschen etwas positives. Ein Sohn eines Einwanderers, der Verfassungsexperte, Politiker und später Präsident wird. Verkörperung des amerikanischen Traums blablabla.
Und was bekommt man serviert? Republikaner, Palin, Trump, Bannon, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Fox News, Breitbart. Die ganzen 1h45min nur das Gesuder und die dumme evangelikale rechte Rhetorik. Es ist einfach zum Kotzen. Es wurden sogar Ausschnitte von den Sandy Hook Verschwörungstrotteln gezeigt.
Medien machen es sich oft viel zu einfach. Klar... diese kontroversen bringen Quote. Aber sie bieten hier einer lauten Minderheit zu viel Bühne. Das sind nicht zwei Seiten der selben Medaille. Das sind gehirnamputierte Sektenmitglieder. Millionaires paid by billionaires. Die alles sagen würden um die Taschen noch weiter zu füllen, die ihren Hals nicht voll bekommen.
Ich freu mich schon auf die zweite Doku wo sich sicher alles um Demokraten, AOC, Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, NYT und dergleichen drehen wird. /s
submitted by rtfmpls to de [link] [comments]

11-03 04:18 - 'I don‘t know for sure, but I think anything free is at least not legal. (Except ARD,ZDF or ARTE Mediathek). You can stream the first season of Euphoria on Sky Go' by /u/AdhesivenessTop8659 removed from /r/germany within 479-489min

I don‘t know for sure, but I think anything free is at least not legal. (Except ARD,ZDF or ARTE Mediathek). You can stream the first season of Euphoria on Sky Go
Context Link
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: AdhesivenessTop8659
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

How can i check my balance and payments for ARD ZDF ?

I didn't pay the last payment for the ARD/ZDF Are there any delay fees? and how can I check my balance and the amounts due for payment?
I couldn't find anything on
submitted by TWISTER999 to germany [link] [comments]

What can I do if I don't get a post from ZDF?

So far I have moved 3 times ever since I moved to Germany. For the first 2 I got a mail from ZDF and since they were shared flats I got the number from a flatmate and registered with it. On the 3rd one, it's been months already, I never got the mail from ZDF. So, I couldn't update the number. What should I do in this case? I don't want them to send me a mail after a year saying I have dept for a year or so. From their portal I only saw that I can change my address, payment method etc. But couldn't find the number. Thanks all in advance!
submitted by creepy_eye to germany [link] [comments]

Statement correction: Niko Kovač on Leroy Sané: "Our leadership is very engaged there. I'm confident and assume that we can get him" [ZDF]

Statement correction: Niko Kovač on Leroy Sané: submitted by DjangoUnchained12 to fcbayern [link] [comments]

Poverty in the world's 6th richest country

Poverty in the world's 6th richest country
Walking in the woods near London last weekend, I discovered three homeless camps hidden within the trees. That night, temperatures dropped to -6°C, next morning there was 3 inches of snow on the ground. This is the reality of life for many vulnerable people in Britain today.
Over the last 18 months, I've discovered 8 similar camps in woods near my home, within 25 miles of London. Many of these makeshift camps (including these two), though well-hidden, are situated within 200m of a row of massive mansions, many of which lie empty.
The average price of a mansion on this one road is more than £2 million. Their huge gardens back onto the extensive woods & commons in which these desperate people have chosen to build their shelters because they offer thick tree cover & the best chance of going undetected.
I was shocked to discover these camps, and evidence of more that have been abandoned. Shocked and shamed by the juxtaposition of such enormous wealth alongside such devastating poverty. But should I have been surprised?
More than 4m children are living below the poverty line in Britain today. In the 6th largest economy on earth. Since April 2020, 350,000 children in England are living in a household where someone has had to “skip a meal in the last week”.
Inequality is greater in modern day Britain than it was in ancient Rome. In ancient Rome, the richest 1% controlled around 16% of society's wealth; today in Britain, the richest 1% control around 21%.
Imagine living in a country where every third child you saw was growing up in poverty. Now open your eyes. Because that’s us. Anne Longfield, children’s commissioner for England, released a report last week.
How did it come to this? The fact 14.3 million people live in poverty (22% of all people, 34% of all children) in the world's 6th largest economy is a direct result of more than a decade of Tory policies.
It’s entirely deliberate. A homeless 17-year-old with mental health issues given a tent to live in by the council = Tory Britain: demonising the very idea of society, started by Thatcher, completed by Tories with MSM, Lib Dem & working-class support.
Police recently charged a homeless man for breaking coronavirus regulations for being outside. He was charged with "being outside of the place where you were living, namely no fixed address”. I’d say “you couldn’t make it up”, but the Tories did.
Tories don't care about homelessness - they are not homeless. Tories don't care about food banks - they don't use them. Tories don't care about the NHS - they go private. Tories don't care about you - they care about their bank balance.
Boris Johnson assures us he didn't burn a £50 note in front of a homeless man, and I for one see no reason not to believe the self-satisfied, dishonest narcissist. But if you look at their record, you have to understand that there will be no respite while they are in power.
With homelessness up by 50% since 2010, with rough sleeping doubled, with 120,000 children homeless, and a 22% rise in the deaths of homeless people in the last year, we have a right to be shocked. And how Tories use our money is shocking too…
You and I are paying this lot £300 each every day for the rest of their lives. Every one of them is already a millionaire, and all they have to do for that money is sign their name in a book. Imagine the effect of giving every homeless person a fraction of that a day.
This is how Tories spend OUR money. It's not spending, it's stealing. You could feed 2,000 homeless people for one day for the same money just one consultant is paid for one day creating an app which doesn't work.
Tory government has no compassion, because Tories have no imagination. They simply cannot believe that they could ever be in this position themselves. To a Tory, the homeless person is a slacker, a lazy good-for-nothing who gets exactly what they deserve.
As such, the theory goes (it’s not something they hide, they’ll tell you – just ask), there is no duty to help, that just encourages idleness. If people want to starve & freeze: let them.
No matter that those homeless people may have fallen on hard times because their employer went out of business off the back of Tory policies. No matter that many ex-services ended up on the streets due to ptsd, suffered as a result of government sanctioned conflicts. Because we should remember, it is not just millions of ‘our own’ who are impoverished by the actions of ‘our’ government. Tories just sank £16.5 billion into the Ministry of Defence (‘offence’ really), making bombs to drop on poor people around the world. That’s what we do.
No matter that 50% of homeless people have suffered traumatic head injury prior to becoming homeless, it’s still their fault. No matter that many victims of child abuse end up on the streets, again, to a Tory, it’s their own fault.
Tories always point to just one part of the pathway leading to despair. Hence, drug-taking may be foregrounded as the excuse which allows government ministers to sleep at night, rather than the abuse & suffering which led to the drug-taking in the first place.
It’s a catch-all conscience clearer: “they brought it upon themselves; feckless layabouts, we’re doing them a favour leaving them to suffer, maybe they’ll pull their finger out now…” But homeless people are not worthless.
And it’s also not just the fault of the government, or the traditional Tory voter; many more are to blame for the state of modern Britain. In recent history, we had two great opportunities to put this kind of suffering where it belongs: in the past.
The choice in 2017 and 2019 was basically: Boris Johnson gets rid of the NHS, or; Jeremy Corbyn gets rid of food banks, homelessness, child poverty, zero-hour contracts, austerity, tax breaks for the rich etc. That should have been an easy choice…
But people decided the last election was the Brexit election. They forgot it was also the climate election, the investment election, the NHS election, the living standards election, the education election, the poverty election, the fair taxes election: the change election.
How did they forget? Why were voters so obsessed with one issue? Why didn’t voters care about other things? The answer is at least partly due to mainstream media. The MSM wasn’t just busy bashing Jeremy Corbyn, it was also busy avoiding any issue which might harm Boris.
Thus, in the first 3 weeks of the last election campaign, the subject of 'housing' registered 0.2%, 0.6% & 2.4% prominence in the MSM despite more than 300,000 homeless people in the UK as we moved into winter. Shows how much the MSM cares...
In the first 3 weeks of the last election campaign, the subject of 'social security' registered 1.2%, 1.2% & 3.0% prominence in the MSM despite 4 million children in the UK living in poverty. This proves that the MSM avoided the shameful record of the Tories...
Any news hack, politician or voter (who didn't back Corbyn) that mentions poverty, homelessness, NHS sell-off or climate change in the next 5 years had better be reporting good news, because I won't be able to stand the vomit-inducing hypocrisy if they say things are bad.
Jeremy Corbyn was slated as a ‘bloody commie’ for threatening to give up a massive country house to help the homeless… He is the leader we could have had were it not for the power of elites protecting their pile.
Priti Patel could gut a homeless person, Dominic Raab could shoot an immigrant, Matt Hancock could wave his little willy around in public & Boris Johnson could take a shit in the Serpentine before the MSM expressed anything more emotive than mild distaste.
Be under no illusions, the MSM is the enemy of change. Without the MSM’s dereliction of duty in terms of reporting the realities of modern Britain, the working-class traitors who signed up for Tory madness would never have done it. But they did!
It's almost 100 years since the 1920's General Strike. Working-class voters, fighting for their rights, voted in the 1st ever Labour government. They'd be spinning in their graves if they knew that 100 years later, working class voters would crown Boris & his Tory goons.
This was a dereliction of duty every bit as dreadful as the MSM Tory free pass, and the betrayal of Iain McNicol & Tom Watson et al. We now have to live with it. Including those people desperately hanging on in the woods near where I live.
When we move on, there must be accountability - not just for the Covid car crash, but for it all: capitalism, climate catastrophe, war, poverty. We need something new, & accountability starts at home. So if you know a Tory voter, you need to start educating them now.
We mustn’t only imagine a society where psychos and sociopaths are locked up rather than allowed to be in charge: we must make it happen. Because when we elevate the obscene to positions of power, everyone suffers.
People deluding themselves that politicians like Keir Starmer offer anything substantially different to the Tories is dangerous - it is what allows neo-liberals to continue driving us off the climate and poverty cliffs.
Starmer's response to a £16.5 billion increase to 'defence' spending was: “We welcome this additional funding for our defence & security forces & we agree that it is vital..." "Vital" - during an economic emergency, despite no actual enemy and while people are starving!
Only obscenely wealthy privileged elites could imagine anything is 'irrespective of political differences.' How could the poor, homeless or bereaved have a Happy Christmas? Starmer literally helped steal a socialist Christmas last year.
If something is broken, you fix it, recycle it or chuck it. You don’t replace it with another broken part. We have to do better than Starmer… we have to do better than ‘centrist’ Labour. So, what positive steps can be taken now?
Four things, 3 of which are immediately actionable, are vital: 1. Dumping Starmer’s Labour Party – Labour had it’s day, but is dead, we must bury it. 2. Finding a new party to get behind: there are lots of options, but no consensus (this may need more time to coalesce); 3. Friends & relatives who betrayed their roots have to be enlightened; 4. We must destroy the MSM. We can’t wait for legislation to remove the monopoly of the media barons, so we need to act ourselves. Never buy a newspaper, never register with an MSM provider, never link or quote media without ensuring you avoid funding their propaganda, instead celebrate & support the rise in alt media.
The first step in liberating our democracy lies in destroying the hold MSM has over the political system. It’s time we supported media which reports on the real stories rather than protects the wider disease.
It starts with a story, this new modern Britain. The current story is old, and it won’t change unless we choose a new story-teller. So that’s what we must do. We need to support the true free press with subscriptions & disseminate their message.
Please consider signing up for one or more of the fantastic media providers listed above (there are loads more), and boycott the MSM.
Thanks for reading - more from me here:

submitted by Calumets to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

How can I send the ZDF letter?

Ok this is a stupid question, but I am new here and I am not sure how it's done.
I need to send back the ZDF letter with my signature by post mail (so they could get access to my bank account) they already sent me an envelope and everything. Should I buy a stamp and put it on the envelope befor putting the envelope on the letter box, or just putting the envelope on the letter box will be enough? Thanks.
submitted by MXochn to germany [link] [comments]

Reminder: You can watch the first BL match on free TV or online on ZDF.

Reminder: You can watch the first BL match on free TV or online on ZDF. submitted by SchoolBoy612 to fcbayern [link] [comments]

How can people tolerate the ARD ZDF radio tax?

how do you not fight being forced to pay for something most people never use and it's regardless if you have a TV or not. Even if they produced nothing but garbage they would still receive their annual 8 billion euros and there's nothing anyone can do about it apart from pay up. How did this even become a thing?!
submitted by gr33nbananas to germany [link] [comments]

About the Handelsblatt story, from a German

Hello, I am one of the resident Germans that hang out here. Germany is a pretty popular topic in recent days, and one part of it is the story of the Handelsblatt.

Part 1: 8% AstraZeneca

An article of Germans newspaper Handelsblatt made waves when they alleged that sources told them that the AstraZeneca vaccine is only 8% effective in people 65 years old or above. This has huge implications if true and people were confused and upset.
AstraZeneca reacted quickly by admitting that they initially had not properly tested that age group, but pointed to the findings of the Lancet Jornal that showed that it worked pretty well even in that age group. The German Ministry of Health also chipped in and said that there had to be an error and noted that 8% was also the percentage of test subjects that were between 56 and 69 years.
It was speculated that somebody, the journalist or the source confused the numbers.

Part 2: A colossal fuck-up?

The Handelsblatt is a business newspaper that is reputable and around for 74 years. This made the story strange from the very beginning. The BILD also reported the same story, but the BILD is tabloid similar to The Sun, so we can safely ignore what they said. The Handelsblatt is not a tabloid. It's a paper with a reputation.
Yet it published the story. Did a whole bunch of people cock-up? Not impossible, it can happen. After all, AstraZeneca has so far shown to work properly. Cheaper and easier to use than Pfizer, albeit a bit less effective than Pfizer. But no not working at 8% over 65 bad. It seemed pretty obvious that the newspaper fucked up by publishing the story. Did the journalist confuse the numbers, did the source?
I was ready to believe that it was an unfortunate chain of fuck-ups.

Part 3: What is happening?!

However, instead of putting the head down and apologizing, Handelsblatt doubled-down. They published a new article.
Das Handelsblatt hatte am Montag aus der Regierungskoalition erfahren, dass Spahns Ministerium bereits prüft, ob die nach Alter gestaffelte Impfreihenfolge angepasst werden muss. Auch das Wirtschaftsportal „Business Insider“ und die „Bild“-Zeitung hatten über die Erwägungen des Ministers berichtet, die bisherige gesetzliche Impfpriorisierung zu ändern.
Das Handelsblatt hatte in diesem Zusammenhang auch über interne Berechnungen einer Bundesbehörde im Geschäftsbereich des Gesundheitsministeriums berichtet, in denen die Wirksamkeit des Impfstoffs von Astra-Zeneca für die Altersklasse 65 Jahre und älter auf Grundlage der vorläufigen Studiendaten des Pharmakonzerns nur auf acht Prozent beziffert wurde.
Die Sorge über einen niedrigen Schutzgrad bei Senioren wurde von Quellen in Koalition und Behörden bestätigt. Auch die „Bild“-Zeitung berichtete über eine mögliche Wirksamkeit des Impfstoffs bei Älteren „von unter zehn Prozent“.
Spahn wollte sich an Spekulationen über die Wirksamkeit des Impfstoffs bei den unterschiedlichen Altersgruppen nicht beteiligen. Er wolle warten, bis die Daten aus den Studien ausgewertet worden seien, sagte der Minister im „ZDF“: „Ich halte wenig davon, das jetzt in Überschriften spekulativ zu machen.“
[... reporting about what AstraZeneca and the Ministry of Health said ...]
Ein hochrangiger Beamter des Bundesgesundheitsministeriums, der Einsicht in die aktuelle Datenlage hatte, sagte dem Handelsblatt indes: „Eine Verwechselung der Zahlen ist ausgeschlossen. Die Wirksamkeit bei den über 60-Jährigen liegt nach Ansicht der uns bislang zur Verfügung stehenden Daten bei unter zehn Prozent.“
Es gehe um die Wirksamkeit, denn auch die in der Bundesregierung diskutierten Angaben zu den unter 60-jährigen bezogen sich nicht auf die Anzahl der Probanden, sondern auf die Wirksamkeit. „Nach unseren Informationen ist die Wirksamkeit des Impfstoffs bei den Jüngeren, unter 60-Jährigen signifikant besser als bei den Älteren, aber nicht ganz so gut wie bei anderen Impfstoffen in dieser Altersgruppe.“
Jens Spahn ist the German Minister of Health
BILD: Tabloid, similar to The Sun
ZDF: Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen, public service television broadcaster
The Handelsblatt learned on Monday from the government coalition that Spahn's ministry was already examining whether the vaccination sequence, which was staggered according to age, had to be adjusted. The business portal “Business Insider” and the “Bild” newspaper also reported on the minister's considerations to change the previous statutory vaccination prioritization.
In this context, the Handelsblatt had reported on internal calculations by a federal authority in the department of the Ministry of Health, in which the effectiveness of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine for the age group 65 years and older was only estimated at eight percent based on the pharmaceutical company's preliminary study data.
Concerns about a low level of protection among seniors have been confirmed by sources in the coalition and authorities. The "Bild" newspaper also reported possible effectiveness of the vaccine in older people "of less than ten percent".
Spahn did not want to participate in speculations about the effectiveness of the vaccine in the different age groups. He wants to wait until the data from the studies had been evaluated, the minister in said on "ZDF": "I don't think much of speculating about headlines."
[... reporting about what AstraZeneca and the Ministry of Health said ...]
A high-ranking official from the Federal Ministry of Health, who had access to the current data situation, told the Handelsblatt: “It is impossible to mix up the numbers. According to the data we have so far, the effectiveness in people over 60 is less than ten percent. "
It is about the effectiveness because the information discussed in the federal government on the under 60-year-olds did not refer to the number of test subjects, but to the effectiveness. "According to our information, the effectiveness of the vaccine is significantly better in younger people under 60 than in older people, but not quite as good as other vaccines in this age group."
The Spiegel, another German newspaper, reported:
In Deutschland wäre er nach dem Impfplan der Bundesregierung zunächst vor allem an Menschen über 80 Jahre gegangen. Doch offenbar befürchtet die Bundesregierung eine geringere Wirksamkeit des Impfstoffes bei über 65-Jährigen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen erwägt Gesundheitsminister Jens Spahn (CDU) deshalb eine Neuordnung der Impfreihenfolge.
Sollte die europäische Arzneimittelbehörde EMA tatsächlich am Freitag die Impfung mit dem AstraZeneca-Stoff lediglich für Menschen unter 65 Jahren empfehlen, könnte Spahn die Impfprioritäten ändern – und die Impfung für jüngere Menschen öffnen.
In Germany, according to the federal government's vaccination plan, it would initially have primarily targeted people over the age of 80. However, the federal government apparently fears that the vaccine will be less effective in people over 65. According to SPIEGEL information, Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) is therefore considering a reorganization of the vaccination sequence.
Should the European Medicines Agency EMA actually recommend vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine only for people under 65 years of age on Friday, Spahn could change the vaccination priorities - and open the vaccination to younger people.

Part 4: Cliffnotes

Part 5: What now?

I suppose it remains to be seen what the EMA says on Friday.
What bothers me is, that Handeslblatt would gamble it's reputation away like that by insisting on this story. If it's true what they say, that would have huge consequences for the vaccination strategy of all countries that use AstraZeneca. If it's wrong, they managed to cast a perfectly fine vaccine into doubt and gave ammo to anti-vaxxers and burned their reputation greatly.

Update Part 6: Response

u/GlimmervoidG share a short Twitter thread of Stefan Leifert, a German journalist for the ZDF. He was reporting on the German parliament from 2006 to 2014 and is a correspondent in Brussels since 2014.
Der Wahrheitsgehalt der Meldungen, dass die Wirksamkeit des #AstraZeneca-Impfstoffs bei älteren Menschen nur bei 8 Prozent liege, liegt bei 0 Prozent.
2/ Die Chefin der EU-Arzneimittelagentur (EMA) bestätigt im Gesundheitsausschuss des Europaparlaments: die 8 Prozent bezogen sich auf den Anteil einer bestimmten Altersgruppe in einer AstraZeneca-Studie. Nicht auf den Wirkungsgrad des Impfstoffs.
3/ Es geht um die Altersgruppe von 56-69 Jahren: das waren 8 % der Versuchsteilnehmer der Studie. Mit der Wirksamkeit des Impfstoffs habe die Zahl nichts zu tun.
The truthfulness of reports that the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine with older people is only at 8% is zero percent.
The head of the EMA confirms in the Health committee of the European parliament: the 8% referred to the share of a certain age-group in one AstraZeneca study. No the effectiveness of the vaccine.
It's about the age group of 56-69 years: those were 8% of the study participants. The number has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the vaccine.
submitted by Chariotwheel to ukpolitics [link] [comments]

Rexzilla - "Can somebody drop me a gun?" ZDF - :D

Rexzilla - submitted by Canarsi to starcitizen [link] [comments]

The REAL Science

I see a lot of people asking for scientific evidence that supports our positions on lockdowns, masks, and "social distancing". I am going to share some of the most compelling evidence I've seen since this bullshit began. If a mod wants to sticky this so we can have a centralized place to share evidence, that would also be good.


Great Barrington Declaration
Note: The Great Barrington Declaration is probably the best starting point, especially for doomers who want something authoritative sounding. The Great Barrington Declaration is a stated opposition to lockdowns that was written by three of the top medical scientists in the world: Jay Battacharya of Stanford, Martin Kulldorf of Harvard, and Sunetra Gupta of Oxford. It has also includes dozens of verified signatories who possess advanced degrees in biological/medical sciences.
Study from The Lancet
Study from Frontiers
Interview with two Oxford epidemiologists
Interview with a Nobel Prize winner from Stanford
Interview with Sweden's top epidemiologist
Interview with UK epidemiologist
Interview by Israeli mathematician


Interview with Michael Osterholm
Note: The interview with Michael Osterholm is probably the best starting point for persuading doomers that masks are useless. For those of you who don't know, Osterholm is actually one of Biden's COVID advisers now. But about seven months ago, before the science behind masks became politicized, Osteholm explained in detail why masks are largely useless.
Danish mask study
Note: This is probably the highest quality study done on masks in 2020. And it shows that masks do not protect the wearer.
New England Journal of Medicine
Note: Published in one of the oldest and most prestigious medical journals in the world. Key quote: "We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection."


Interview with Oxford epidemiologist
Interview with Milwaukee county medical examiner
New York Times article saying 90% of positive tests likely misclassified


Article about 1,300 inmates getting infected (virtually none of them died)
21% of New York sample positive for antibodies
20% of Chicago sample positive for antibodies
Note: These antibody positivity rates allow us to make reasonable inferences about the total number of people who've been infected in the entire US. 20% of the total population is about 66 million people. 318,000 deaths out of 66 million infections is about a 0.5% fatality rate. And that is probably the upper bound on the fatality rate.
50% of Tokyo sample positive for antibodies
Note: This might be the single best study for our side. It disproves basically every single narrative put forward by the doomer cult. First, Japan had no lockdowns. Yet they have one of the lowest COVID mortality rates in the entire world. Doomers always responded by saying that Japan's results were due to Japanese adherence to masks and social distancing. This study blows that theory out of the water. 50% of the study's sample got infected within a few months of the study start. So either the Japanese don't wear masks/social distance as much as doomers say OR masks/social distancing are useless. And guess what? Not a single person who got infected died or was hospitalized. That's a 0% hospitalization and death rate, in case you were wondering. I cannot overstate how important this study is in terms of destroying the entire doomer narrative.
66% of COVID decedents were going to die soon anyway
Note: Another extremely important article. Basically shows that the majority of COVID deaths were essentially natural causes.


WHO says no actual proof of asymptomatic transmission being significant
Study from China showing ZERO asymptomatic transmission among sample set


Millions may already be immune according to Oxford study
Two studies from Europe demonstrating high levels of T-cell immunity
Article about T-cell immunity


Elderly dying from isolation
More elderly dying from isolation
Study showing job loss leads to increased mortality
Study showing relationship between psychological stress and heart disease
Article on the health dangers posed by loneliness


Article showing that the COVID vaccine is basically useless
submitted by infinite_war to NoNewNormal [link] [comments]

[Review] Chanel 19 26cm from TS Mr. Gary and Jiapin Factory comparing with 20K Goatskin authentic

Disclosure - I have not received any discount (present and future orders), waived shipping fees, or any benefit by the seller in exchange for the review.
Seller’s name TS Mr. Gary (at the time of purchase he was Non-TS)
Seller contact info WeChat gary6031
Price of item CNY 1,780 - 200 discount for RepLadies = CNY 1,580
Payment method PayPal F&F
Price of shipping and carrier DHL CNY 260
Total in USD $285 plus PayPal fee
Order timeline
Jan 8 Gary accepted my WeChat friend request
Jan 9 Inquired about Chanel 19 from different factories
Jan 10 decided to try Jiapin factory. Ordered and paid.
Jan 13 PSP received. Asked him to check whether the handle kinks (I sent him an example VDO)
Jan 14 Gary sent back the VDO. I GLed.
Jan 15 DHL waybill received
Jan 26 Bag arrived safe and sound!
Constructive criticism wanted or CCW


Natural Light Indoor with fluorescent light
Factory pictures
[Authentic] so many shades of beige have come out but I think this is 19K light beige with darker beige interior. This YouTube vdo is the 19K Light Beige in 30cm
However, I think the leather color also matches 21C Light Beige The difference is the color of the interior. For C19 beige colors, the interior beige tone will match the leather. For white C19, the interior will be darker beige.

Quality -9.50/10

I have been searching for Chanel 19 bag with a pale gold CC lock after I received C19 bags from GD and CD factories All of them are still too yellow comparing to my 20K authentic black goatskin. I am not so fussy about the leather because Chanel 19 leather varies so much.
Leather looks and feels nice just like my authentic. (Please see comparison photos) This bag is well made. I would say that the quality of the bag is as good as my bags from CD factory.
Handle and strap chains are weighty like my authentic. Since the authentic chains sound differently - Mine sounds like C19 from CD and my sis’ authentic doesn’t create sounds like mine- I won’t take this chain sound issue in to consideration for quality or accuracy. (Actually Jiapin strap is less squeaky than authentic)
Interior is neat and everything looks correct.
The bag has just right amount of puffiness, comparing to the authentic.
There is no where I can take out points but 10/10 is for the authentic haha

Accuracy - 9.30/10

Hardware: antique gold is so close to authentic! (Yay) but still not perfect- just passable (-0.10)
Size: Jiapin is a little (like 1cm) taller than the authentic (-0.20) but I don’t think it is a dealbreaker because of the slouchiness of this bag. If not comparing side by side with the authentic, I wouldn’t be able to tell.
The bottom patch of the leather is smaller than that of the authentic. (-0.30) Please look at the photos to see what I am talking about. It doesn’t impact the size of the bag but it changes the quilt pattern.
Beige color of the fabric interior seems to be darker than authentic (-0.10) but I could be wrong
Overall shape of the bag looks very close to authentic. The side of the bag seems narrower at the bottom comparing to the authentic. (The authentic one shows a clear trapezoid shape) If not comparing side by side, I think the shape of bag is very passable.
Stitching and Alignment: all looks fine. I can’t find any loose stitches or misalignments
Logo plate looks crisp. No red flags.
Zipper pull has ‘CHANEL’ engraved on one side and the other side has small Chanel logo engraved at the tip - just like authentic.
Top ends of the CC interwoven leather barely touch the quilt stitches but I have seen it in Authentic light color bags too so no deductions.

Satisfaction - 10/10

I am very happy with the purchase. I was looking for the off-white/ ivory color and was not ready to spend $400+ on the beautiful light beige C19 from OF and might still end up getting another yellowy CC lock bag. For mid tier, Jiapin is another choice to consider. The inaccuracy of the bag listed above is minor to me.

Seller Communication and Service - 10/10

Gary is awesome. I have seen a lot of good reviews about him. Since most sellers have access to all factories, what important to me are responsiveness and shipping cost. From other reviews, I feel that his shipping cost is reasonable. (CNY 260 is the cheapest I ever paid for shipping) I would definitely order from him again.
submitted by Arawinam to RepLadies [link] [comments]

Star Citizen 3.7 - PVP Cave Ops ... I can't see anything down here!! [ZDF]

Star Citizen 3.7 - PVP Cave Ops ... I can't see anything down here!! [ZDF] submitted by Ein801 to starcitizen [link] [comments]

Can you spot SpaceTed #ZDF #StarCitizen

Can you spot SpaceTed #ZDF #StarCitizen submitted by RumRunner_82 to ZillaDropshipForces [link] [comments]

Our German speaking Interlopers can check out this awesome ZDF (German News site) segment on The Galactic Hub! Starts around 2:20

Our German speaking Interlopers can check out this awesome ZDF (German News site) segment on The Galactic Hub! Starts around 2:20 submitted by AndyKrycek6 to NMSGalacticHub [link] [comments]

German speaking Interlopers can check out this awesome ZDF (German News site) segment on the NMS community and The Galactic Hub. Starts around 2:20

German speaking Interlopers can check out this awesome ZDF (German News site) segment on the NMS community and The Galactic Hub. Starts around 2:20 submitted by AndyKrycek6 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

How can I take this ZDF state variable filter and get a peaking filter out of it?

How can I take this ZDF state variable filter and get a peaking filter out of it? submitted by dudeman69420911 to DSP [link] [comments]

[N] Aim 1.3.5 is out! Take a look at the new features...

[N] Aim 1.3.5 is out! Take a look at the new features...
Hey MachineLearning community!
Aim v1.3.5 is out!
We are building an open-source self-hosted tool for AI training run comparison. It can now handle 1000s of experiments at once - super easy to get started with. 🔧
Thanks for the incredible support - helping us build awesome open source ML dev tools for the community. This is a result of the feedback the community have been sharing with us since Aim launched here.
Check out the new features at
Below are a few gifs for main features and their descriptions:
1. Training run and experiments activities view on Dashboard
Easily access the training runs and experiments by date/activity
2. X-axis alignment by epoch
Align metrics on x-axis by epoch with a button click
3. Ordering runs both on Explore and on Dashboard
Sort the tables by any metric
If you haven't yet, drop us a star for support! 😊
Come say hi at the Aim Slack community.
Check out this version and let us know how we can improve it further 😊
submitted by sgevorg to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

God Bless The Grass, and other thoughts kicking around in the mod room

The best part of being a mod is being able to participate in certain private chats in the mod room. A concern was raised there,
I don't know how prevalent it actually is but we're seeing more of our long-time members, seems to me, weighing in on the changing tone and focus of the sub ... I don't know that there's anything that should be done other than for us to be aware of it and have some discussions about it so at least we know what is happening and what we want to happen.
I, among others, responded and it was suggested that we create posts so that is what I am doing now.
IMHO, Biden is being heavy handed because he and the establishment WANT nothing more than for people to walk away from politics. Then they will blame all of the maladies of the country on lazy voters, who just aren't interested in participating in democracy.
I knew that the months of Nov and December were going to be plenty depressing, regardless of who won. I have suffered from depression for a long time now. One thing that inspires me is to realize that we always have choices, in this case we can walk away or we can stay and fight. Somehow it helps me to realize that certain seemingly desirable options, like walking away, are certainly available to me. When I do that, somehow it enables me to embrace that choice for a moment and look at it more closely, and when I do that it often helps me realize that certain choices are false choices: they exist and are tempting, but they are not ones that I truly want to take. YMMV, and that's ok if it does.
IMHO, WotB is a community for those who wish to stay and fight, I get energy whenever I see others doing heavy lifting, it inspires me to try to lift just one more time or a little bit more. Humans have a tendency to think "how it is now" is how it has always been, and how it will always be. That is not true. Great empire in the past have fallen. Rome fell, and that world was arguably more nasty and brutish than our own. If we give up and walk away, the b*stards win.
I have a child, I fight for her and the other children and grandchildren. Biden is stomping on progressives because he thinks/knows that we need "to be put down". We are stronger now than we have been for DECADES, we are a threat and they know it. The Empire is striking back, this should not be a surprise to us. They will play their games, we need to learn those moves and fight them as best we can. Just my two cents.
Also, each one of us is on our own journeys, so our awareness of "what happened in 2016" varies. A first grader doesn't grasp what a high school student can grasp, that is true for adults too. Remember, back in 2016 there was a GIANT disagreement regarding "how to deal with the Trump question", giant enough that the original community of Daily Kos refugees who had fled to reddit fought among ourselves, and out of that chaos came the creation of WayOfTheBern.
It was not a bed of roses back then, but perhaps we were more unified since most persons here were DKos refugees. That no longer is true, we don't have common enemies in quite the same way.
I have come to realize that engaging in politics is depressing to me ... I think because the reality truly is depressing. Choosing to stay in it despite the emotional drain on me is a key part of what "my own personal fight" is about. It would be so much easier to turn and walk away, I often feel drained at times but then at others I am exhilarated feeling that perhaps I made a worthy contribution.
On days when all seems pointless, I just want everyone here to consider that YOUR contributions inspire the rest of us. YOUR being here inspires the rest of us. I will always be grateful to Bernie for allowing me to see that I was not alone, I was not crazy, there are millions and millions and millions of other people who see what our country has become and we strongly disapprove. The other day I saw a post that said something like "The System We Have Today is WORSE than Capitalism", and I thought YES, that is right, we are suffering under a corrupt, predatory form of capitalism now where certain basic protections are increasingly stripped out so that the elites can "feed at the trough" that comes from exploiting the underclasses. It is revolting to behold and/or even think about it. It is dog-eat-dog, ruthless capitalism. I hate it, and don't want my child or other children to have to live under that oppression.
But sometimes I get overwhelmed and realize that I need to take a break. I suck at reading my own gas gauge, I tend to run out of gas at inconvenient time because I don't pay enough attention. I've learned that I HAVE to pay more attention, so that I don't fall apart and become a burden to others. If one's own gas gauge is running low, it's fine and honorable to take a break, recharge, and allow the wounds of past fights to heal a bit.
One of my favorite poems/songs is called God Bless the Grass. I think of it as a poem because that is how I first encountered it, but it is actually a famous protest ballad from the 60's, originally recorded by Malvina Reynolds, and then another edition was made by Pete Seegers. It reminds me that the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward Justice. And I marvel at the thought of what tender green grass can do to cement. I hope it might bring a bit of peace to those who might be feeling discouraged in our community today.
God bless the grass that grows thru the crack.
They roll the concrete over it to try and keep it back.
The concrete gets tired of what it has to do,
It breaks and it buckles and the grass grows thru,
And God bless the grass.
God bless the truth that fights toward the sun,
They roll the lies over it and think that it is done.
It moves through the ground and reaches for the air,
And after a while it is growing everywhere,
And God bless the grass.
God bless the grass that grows through cement.
It's green and it's tender and it's easily bent.
But after a while it lifts up its head,
For the grass is living and the stone is dead,
And God bless the grass.
God bless the grass that's gentle and low,
Its roots they are deep and its will is to grow.
And God bless the truth, the friend of the poor,
And the wild grass growing at the poor man's door,
And God bless the grass.
Edited to add: Now I'm listening to old Pete Seeger songs, which are so great but I haven't heard in ages, how lucky am I to have spent time writing this post, eh?
submitted by Older_and_Wiser_Now to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

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Die großen Kriminalfälle der Geschichte.ZDF-History ...

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